Friday Afternoon Accepted to MICGénero!

I am so excited to announce that my first feature film, Friday Afternoon, has been accepted to Festival MICGénero — Muestra Internacional de Cine con Perspectiva de Género. The film will be screening on three dates — August 2, August 7, and August 10, 2019 — in Mexico City, and then the festival will be taking it on the road to Xalapa, Veracruz on September 1, 2019, and then to the state of Guerrero with screenings in Chilpancingo on September 9, 2019, and Acapulco on September 12, 2019. We are planning to attend at least two of the screenings in Mexico City!

MICGénero is, as you might be able to tell from the full title, a festival “with gender perspective.” It’s not simply a women’s film festival or a queer film festival, but one that focuses on gender and sexuality as it interacts with life and the world. My whole team and I are very excited to be a part of it, and very excited to get to go to Mexico City!


Screening Number 2 at MICGénero